Tips And Tricks To Effectively Manage Spring Pests In Pasadena

Housefly on wood

With the winter over and cold weather on the run, many pests are waking up from hibernation and looking for a new home. As a homeowner, it pays to prepare for the yearly assault we're accustomed to enduring and getting your house and property ready to ward off unwelcome visitors.

Let's look at what seasonal pests you're likely to see in the spring, how to make your house unattractive to them, and if that fails, how to find top-notch pest control in Pasadena to evict them from your home.

What Kind Of Pests Are More Prevalent In Spring

The seasonal pest list you're likely to encounter in the spring is long, but here are some of the most usual suspects to watch out for:

  • Flies start to come out of winter hibernation and look for food in the early spring. They'll cluster around your doors and windows, looking for cracks to sneak in.
  • Ants slow down their metabolism to hibernate through winter and will appear dead if found in that state. As the weather gets warmer, they'll become more active and mobile and, as always, will be heading out to look for food for their colony.
  • Bees and wasps are looking for places to mate in the spring. Wasps are more likely to be interested in getting into your house and can be aggressive.
  • Mosquitoes pause all activity to survive the cold but will start waking up as the weather gets warmer. They're more visible in the summer but will use the season of heavy spring rains to lay eggs for the new generation of stinging, buzzing invaders to terrorize your barbecues.
  • Termites. Spring is the season termites, especially subterranean termites, swarm, usually after rain. At this time, they will try to get to the wood of your house, and if they succeed next time you are most likely to hear of them will be from the lips of the pest control specialist explaining the costly damage they've done to your home.
  • Ticks are coming out as the grass gets taller, offering them their favorite method of preying on their next blood donor.

Regardless of the species, the spring is when everything comes alive and starts looking for food and a chance to mate. Our job as homeowners is to ensure they don't find it under our roof.

Why Spring Pest Control Is Especially Important

Spring is when Pasadena pests are the most active in attempting to invade our homes. If they manage to get in, flies will get straight to contaminating every surface in your house. Mosquitoes and ticks proliferating in your backyard will enthusiastically spread multiple diseases, and ants and termites will do their best to destroy the structural integrity of your house.

On the plus side, most pests will find a place to call home in the spring, and if you manage to keep them out during those months, their efforts to breach your defenses will be a lot more lackadaisical in the summer.

Tips To Prevent Spring Pests

Keeping pests out of your Pasadena home in the spring is not all that much more complicated than any other time of the year, except their attempts to enter are a bit more intense.

Here are some ways to keep them out:

  • Seal cracks and crevices in the walls and foundation.
  • Make sure the window screens are in good shape.
  • Cover vents and drains with mesh.
  • Make sure to cover drains with mesh.
  • Fix any plumbing leaks. 
  • Clean up the debris by the house.
  • Keep grass and vegetation cut short by the walls of your home.

Spring is an excellent time to schedule a preventative pest control inspection and discuss additional strategies to make your home pest-proof with a pest control technician.

Complete Pest Prevention For Pasadena Residents

At Accutech Pest Management, we have 23 years of experience ensuring Pasadena area homes stay pest free. Give us a call, to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Pasadena, and we'll be happy to give you a hand with your spring pest issues.

Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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